Macedon: Powerful Shock cavalry along deadly infantry phalanxes backed up by light infantry and missle troops from all of Greek peoples.Ĭavalry expensive(lack of nobles serving in Companion cavalry) and Phalanx units are weak on the flanks without proper command and unit placement. Top tier Units are more expensive, cheaper units have lower morale,(like citizen militia) lack of variety missile infantry.(like archers) Citizen and Socii cavalry expensive and low numbered(lack of horses in Italy)Ĭarthage: Flexible, versitle Heavy and light cavalry, a mixture of Heavy, shock, and Light infantry along with elephants.
Backed up by decent light Auxilia cavalry and a variety of missle troops from Empire.Īuxilia cavalry not meant to handle melee and shock charge. Rome: Powerful, disciplined, well armoured Legionaires.